Discover Holistic Healing and Wellness

Perfect relaxation with our therapies

Welcome to Altruistic Healing, where we provide a range of clinical and alternative services to support your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Our team of licensed professionals and intuitive practitioners are dedicated to guiding you on your path to inner balance and overall wellbeing.

**Please note all services are also available in Spanish.


Clinical Services

Our licensed clinicians have extensive training and expertise in evidence-based approaches to mental health treatment. We conduct thorough assessments and evaluations to get to the root of concerns and customize treatment plans.

Behavioral Health

A comprehensive evaluation of your mental health and behaviors to determine an accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Diagnostic Assessment

In-depth testing and analysis to pinpoint specific mental health conditions.

Individual Counseling

One-on-one talk therapy for mental health issues, life challenges, personal growth, and more.

Family Counseling

Improving family relationships and dynamics through joint counseling sessions.

CTR and CBCT: These counseling methods teach emotional regulation, distress tolerance, positive thinking, empathy, and mindfulness. Develops practical life skills.

Wellness Assessments: Looks at nutrition, exercise, sleep, social connection, nature exposure and more. Provides recommendations to improve overall wellbeing.

Even More Benefits

Non-Clinical Services

Our intuitive practitioners tap into energy, intuition, and spiritual realms to provide unique perspectives and help create positive change in your life. Sessions are personalized to your needs.

Chakra Readings: Evaluating the energy centers of the body to identify blocked or unbalanced chakras.

Tarot Readings: Using tarot cards to tap into intuitive guidance and gain insights.

Energy Cleansing: Techniques like reiki, crystal healing and more to release stuck energy and renew your spirit.

Numerology Charts: Discovering how numbers influence your personality, relationships, and life path.

Dream Analysis: Interpreting dreams to uncover their hidden meanings and guidance.

Contact Us Today To Get started

Hello, there!

I'm Victoria Chen, Founder of Altruistic Healing Solutions. Thank you for visiting my site. Fill out the information below and I will be in touch!

Contact us today to learn more and schedule your first healing session!

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